Sharyland Employees stand outside for a group photo
About Us
Sharyland Water Supply Corporation was created by a group of determined, community-minded men in the 1960's. With the help of Farmers Home Administration, a loan was acquired and construction began to build a rural water system. Initially, 700 property owners committed to take water service once construction was complete. Today, more than 50 years later, there are over 19,000 water connections on the system.
The Corporation has approximately 100 square miles of Certified Area, 800 miles of water lines, three water plants, four elevated storage tanks and plans for additional water system improvements in the works.
Our office building, located at 321 S. Shary Blvd., has a large lobby and three drive-thru payment lanes for your convenience.
The Corporation has over 50 employees and a 7 person Board of Directors, all of whom are dedicated to the job required to ensure that Sharyland Water Supply Corporation continues to be the best it can be.